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Scat Rooms

Please memorise or bookmark this page, we’ll try and keep it updated with the latest information about any scat zooms/rooms

To avoid any confusion between rooms on different days/dates, they will each be given a number in the order we were given the information and will appear in reverse number order.  We do want to hear about cancelled rooms as well as new rooms.

Contact Us

If there are any problems with a room, please contact us via sb or mbh telegram or scatroom@icloud.com

Please be careful about what you say/ask in public chat, asking for under age content seems to be a sure fire way of getting a room suspended.

iPad/iPhone access

If you can’t access a room because the link is too long (be it because your trying to copy and pasting a long URL or your manually typing the long link) we’ve introduced a new and easier way.  Into Safari, just type links.scatroom.com/x where x is the room number you want, e.g, https://links.scatroom.com/1/ and the number will always be the room number as listed below.

If your new to iPad/iPhone access, your name from iCloud may be populated as your zoom room screen name (which could be your full real name), then just open the zoom app, you should magically find the app is already set up to the room you want.  Be careful of your sound and cam options, if you are listening to music or if you don’t want to broadcast your face.  You can download the Zoom app at the Apple AppStore.

You will get a cancellation message if the room has been cancelled.

These shorter links have been created as people using iPad/iPhone are having issues copy and pasting the much longer links into their browser.

Anyone with an Android phone, please let us know if you can access Zoom ok, as we don’t have an Android phone to test it on.

The current zoom room without a 40 minute time limit is

1. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4824990360?pwd=gQojosFrUW8YEaiZRPbBUsc170Mc6u.1 or https://links.scatroom.com/1/ 

Other rooms are (room 14 seems the most likely to become popular): or check https://links.scatroom.com/popular for the most popular room at the time:


14. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/5285108180?pwd=kvb9D47mseYl9PgNLEJfn2kuR7XdQj.1 or https://links.scatroom.com/14/

13. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/7057032013?pwd=cBz6Q4ieIozCWOEac1maOViwR2yjjj.1 or https://links.scatroom.com/13/ 

12. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7723186345?pwd=RNKaOczkyB2aeCU5PFajRD9mfEsPCE.1 or https://links.scatroom.com/12/ 

11. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/5908979526?pwd=MHM3eXVqOTlHMlk5eXRVMkFJUUdCZz09 or https://links.scatroom.com/11/ 

10. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/9600745523?pwd=ZEhPVGx6bkwvYjdOUDJGbUdlMUZGdz09 or https://links.scatroom.com/10/

9. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/5520334812?pwd=GWTAqoAy4CWOV8YDBbSEKZKXOmaA54.1 or https://links.scatroom.com/9/

8. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88956797742?pwd=y2bRAkxtxOGgjRDvZzcKOkbiVXmGC0.1 or https://links.scatroom.com/8/

7. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/7057032013?pwd=cBz6Q4ieIozCWOEac1maOViwR2yjjj.1 or https://links.scatroom.com/7/ 

6. https://v.ringcentral.com/join/142706977420 or https://links.scatroom.com/6/

5. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/82761452243?pwd=y6tyM4xq1kunv89VDl5VfUZmn7E1l4.1 or https://links.scatroom.com/5/

4. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9176694822?pwd=QWZ1c0lpNXRWTEVBWXFzeVJuUUZ0UT09 or https://links.scatroom.com/4/

3. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4132582302?pwd=MDJCZm9OdGQ0SHQwbXFIdStDR3lyZz09 or https://links.scatroom.com/3/

2. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/3138747911?pwd=Z3NIc05yMFlWbmUyR0NJVkdkR2lKQT09 or https://links.scatroom.com/2/

Zooms 12, 11, 10, 9, 4 and 3 are waiting on the host.

Room 7 is new.

Room 5 and 2 have already been cancelled.

Zoom room 4, there seems to be an issue with sending personal messages to other users, you can only message the entire room.


Last updated on: Dec 14, 2023 @ 10:02 pm